Advertising is one of the most important components of your marketing strategy because it helps you promote your business and allows you to communicate effectively with your customers. In this document you will find a list of helpful tips to keep in mind when developing an advertising campaign for your business.


  • Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations regarding marketing and advertising.
  • Clearly and completely disclose all important information relating to an advertised offer, product or service.
  • Use illustrations that are identical to the product sold.
  • If more than one price is on a product, charge the lowest price.
  • Make sure you have a reasonable quantity of a product advertised at a reduced price.
  • When organizing a competition, disclose all the information required by the Competition Act so that potential participants know what to expect.
  • Make sure your salespeople know what to do and what not to advertise, because your company can be held accountable for the information provided by your employees.
  • Use the terms “rebate” or “balance” only when there is a significant price reduction.


  • Do not confuse the “regular price” or the “regular price” with the “manufacturer’s suggested price”; it’s not the same price.
  • Do not use the term “regular price” or “regular price” in an advertisement unless you have offered the product in good faith at that price for a long enough period of time or have sold a significant quantity of the product at that price. price.
  • Do not make a “discount sale” that lasts a long time or is repeated every week.
  • Do not increase the price of a product or service to cover the cost of another product or free service.
  • Do not make any promises about a product or service, even if you believe it, unless you can prove it.
  • Do not sell a product at a higher price than advertised.
  • Do not unduly delay the awarding of prizes when organizing a contest.
  • Avoid small print warnings. However, if you use them, make sure the ad message and warning are not misleading.
  • Avoid using in an ad words or phrases that are unclear and meaningful to the average consumer

Tips for effective content marketing, in computer graphics

Content marketing (or content marketing in English) is in net development. Indeed, most people do not believe in traditional advertising, and content marketing primarily helps to reassure customers of a company or brand based on its expertise.

However, as in any strategy, you need to know some tips. Let’s discover them , proposed by BlogMost in his infographic.

The Silver Fox


Propose the right content in the right place

All the infographic is based on this idea, and it is undoubtedly the major element in a content marketing strategy . Indeed, for your messages to have the impact they deserve, they must be  broadcast on adapted platforms  ! For example, for a video, it will be better to publish it on Youtube or Facebook, rather than in a personalized reader directly on its website. We will not dwell here on what content to publish on which platform, you will find all the answers in the infographic 😉


Offer quality content

In a content marketing strategy , quality takes precedence over quantity! Indeed, the published contents are a bit like an advertisement, in the sense that they will leave an impression or an opinion in the head of those who have seen them. It is better to offer quality content to give a good image of your company / brand , and thus win the trust of your customers and prospects .


Analyze again and again

There is no more miracle content than miracle solution! In this respect, it is better to follow the trends. The best is to create qualitative content according to your criteria, then analyze the results . Today everything is traceable and analysable. Watch how your fans, customers, prospects react … to your content and, depending on that, improve them if necessary, until you find the content that appeals to your target audience  !

If you want to set up a content marketing strategy, we invite you to consult our content marketing offer . Also, you can download our white paper on editorial lines and social media strategies to learn more about it.